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Mitch Richling: Example R Programs

Author: Mitch Richling
Updated: 2023-11-15

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This collection of example code originates, for the most part, from a few Q&A seminars with new R users in 2015. The participants would ask 'How do I?', and I would do my best to demonstrate how I might do it with R. The files here are cleaned up versions of the transcripts of those R sessions along with added comments. Not a lot of math or statistics here. Mostly just R mechanics. At any rate, I posted them thinking that someone might find them useful. Update (2020): I have removed some of the older code here, and left things a more modern R user might actually use (ggplot, dplyer, etc…). I also converted everything to org-mode.

Get it all on github: https://github.com/richmit/ex-R/

2. The Code

Some ggplot2 examples to get you started.
Selecting, Sorting, Joining, …
Define and use C++ functions in R code
Simple outlier detection strategies with base R
Linear, non-linear, and polynomial regression with plots in one variable
Basic t-tests
time-series decomposition and smoothing with graphics