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Data Tables

Author: Mitch Richling
Updated: 2023-10-14

Copyright 2023 Mitch Richling. All rights reserved.

NOTE: None of the data here is intended for human consumption – it is all used by software that generates content for this site. This page exists mostly to provide a cut-n-paste source for single data tables they might wish to have in Excel.

Table of Contents

1. location to ID map

Cp01r2c1 bwIDesy001
Cp01r3c1 bwIDesy002
Cp02r2c1 bwIDbh001
Cp03r1c1 bwIDp2s001
Cp03r1c2 bwIDp2s014
Cp03r1c3 bwIDp2s013
Cp03r1c4 bwIDp2s016
Cp03r2c1 bwIDp2s002
Cp03r2c2 bwIDp2s012
Cp03r3c1 bwIDp2s018
Cp03r4c1 bwIDp2s003
Cp03r4c2 bwIDp2s015
Cp03r5c1 bwIDp2s007
Cp04r1c1 bwIDp2s004
Cp04r1c2 bwIDp2s008
Cp04r2c1 bwIDp2s006
Cp04r2c2 bwIDp2s009
Cp04r2c3 bwIDp2s010
Cp04r2c4 bwIDp2s017
Cp04r4c1 bwIDp2s005
Cp04r4c2 bwIDp2s011
Cp04r5c1 bwIDp2s019
Cp05r1c1 bwIDsamp004
Cp05r1c2 bwIDsamp005
Cp05r1c3 bwIDsamp006
Cp05r2c1 bwIDsamp007
Cp05r2c2 bwIDsamp008
Cp05r3c1 bwIDpdue001
Cp05r3c2 bwIDpdue002
Cp05r4c1 bwIDrepb001
Cp05r4c2 bwIDrepb002
Cp05r5c1 bwIDovrc001
Cp07r1c1 bwIDdrkw001
Cp07r1c2 bwIDdrkw002
Cp07r1c3 bwIDdrkw004
Cp06r1c1 bwIDmisbg004
Cp06r1c2 bwIDmisbg005
Cp06r1c3 bwIDmisbg006
Cp06r2c1 bwIDmisfg004
Cp06r2c2 bwIDmisfg002
Cp06r2c3 bwIDmisfg003
Cp06r3c1 bwIDdbl003
Cp06r3c2 bwIDdbl005
Cp06r3c3 bwIDdbl001
Cp06r3c4 bwIDdbl006
Cp06r4c1 bwIDdbl004
Cp06r5c1 bwIDidbl002
Cp06r5c2 bwIDidbl003
Cp07r2c1 bwIDdrkb002
Cp07r2c2 bwIDdrkb003
Cp07r5c1 bwIDshade001
Cp07r5c2 bwIDshade009
Cp07r5c3 bwIDshade002
Cp07r4c1 bwIDshade003
Cp07r4c2 bwIDshade006
Cp07r4c3 bwIDshade008
Cp07r4c4 bwIDshade012
Cp08r1c1 bwIDsgl050
Cp08r2c1 bwIDsgl054
Cp08r2c2 bwIDsgl055
Cp08r3c1 bwIDsgl061
Cp08r3c2 bwIDsgl060
Cp08r3c3 bwIDruf001
Cp08r4c1 bwIDsgl063
Cp08r4c2 bwIDsgl064
Cp08r5c1 bwIDsgl066
Cp08r5c2 bwIDsgl068
Cp09r1c1 bwIDimph001
Cp09r1c2 bwIDimph003
Cp09r1c3 bwIDimpv001
Cp09r1c4 bwIDimpv004
Cp09r2c1 bwIDimp005
Cp09r2c2 bwIDimp006
Cp09r3c1 bwIDimps001
Cp09r3c2 bwIDimps002
Cp09r3c3 bwIDimps003
Cp10r1c1 bwIDpfrk001
Cp10r2c1 bwIDps001
Cp11r1c1 bwIDqbu002
Cp11r2c1 bwIDqbu003
Cp11r2c2 bwIDqbu004
Cp11r3c1 bwIDqbu005
Cp11r3c2 bwIDqbu006
Cp12r1c1 bwIDqbw001
Cp12r2c1 bwIDqbw002
Cp12r3c1 bwIDqbw003
Cp14r2c1-Cp19r4c5 bwIDsheetw001
Cp22r2c1-Cp27r5c6 bwIDsheetu001
Sp01r1c1 bwIDimph008
Sp01r2c1 bwIDimph002
Sp01r2c2 bwIDimph004
Sp01r2c3 bwIDimph005
Sp01r2c4 bwIDimph006
Sp01r2c5 bwIDimph007
Sp01r3c1 bwIDimpv002
Sp01r3c1 bwIDimpv003
Sp01r4c1 bwIDimp004
Sp01r4c2 bwIDimp003
Sp01r4c3 bwIDimp001
Sp01r4c4 bwIDimp002
Sp01r5c1 bwIDdbl002
Sp01r5c2 bwIDidbl001
Sp02r1c1 bwIDsgl067
Sp02r1c2 bwIDsgl072
Sp02r1c3 bwIDsgl075
Sp02r2c1 bwIDsgl065
Sp02r2c2 bwIDsgl073
Sp02r3c1 bwIDsgl056
Sp02r3c2 bwIDsgl071
Sp02r4c1 bwIDsgl051
Sp02r4c2 bwIDsgl052
Sp02r4c3 bwIDsgl053
Sp02r4c4 bwIDsgl074
Sp02r5c1 bwIDruf002
Sp02r5c2 bwIDruf003
Sp02r5c3 bwIDruf004
Sp03r1c1 bwIDsgl059
Sp03r1c2 bwIDsgl058
Sp03r1c3 bwIDsgl057
Sp03r1c4 bwIDsgl062
Sp03r1c5 bwIDsgl070
Sp03r2c1 bwIDsgl076
Sp03r2c2 bwIDsgl077
Sp03r3c1 bwIDmisbg001
Sp03r3c2 bwIDmisbg002
Sp03r3c3 bwIDmisbg003
Sp03r3c4 bwIDmisfg001
Sp03r4c1 bwIDsamp003
Sp03r4c2 bwIDsamp009
Sp03r4c3 bwIDsamp010
Sp03r4c4 bwIDsamp001
Sp03r4c5 bwIDsamp002
Sp03r5c1 bwIDdrkw003
Sp03r5c2 bwIDdrkb001
Sp04r1c1 bwIDpf002
Sp04r1c2 bwIDpf004
Sp04r1c3 bwIDsgl069
Sp04r3c1 bwIDshade011
Sp04r3c2 bwIDshade013
Sp04r4c1 bwIDshade005
Sp04r4c2 bwIDshade010
Sp04r4c3 bwIDshade014
Sp04r5c1 bwIDshade004
Sp04r5c2 bwIDshade007
Sp04r5c3 bwIDshade015
Sp05r1c1 bwIDpf001
Sp05r1c2 bwIDpf005
Sp05r2c1 bwIDpf006
Sp05r2c2 bwIDpf007
Sp05r2c3 bwIDpf008
Sp05r3c1 bwIDqbu001
Sp03r1c6 bwIDsgl078

2. Album Organization

bwIDesy HEAD-Essay.png Essay
bwIDbh HEAD-Background_Horizontal.png Background Horizontal
bwIDp2s HEAD-Printed_Both_Sides.png Printed on both sides
bwIDsamp HEAD-Overprints_&_Handstamps.png Overprint: Specimens
bwIDpdue HEAD-Overprints_&_Handstamps.png Overprint: Postage Due
bwIDrepb HEAD-Overprints_&_Handstamps.png overprint: REPUBBLICA
bwIDovrc HEAD-Overprints_&_Handstamps.png overprint: Red Cross
bwIDmisbg HEAD-Missing_Background.png Missing background
bwIDmisfg HEAD-Missing_Foreground.png Missing foreground
bwIDdbl HEAD-Double_Impressions.png Double impression
bwIDidbl HEAD-Inverted_Double_Impressions.png Double impression with one inverted
bwIDdrkw HEAD-Color_Varieties_-_Dark_Wolf.png Color: dark wolf
bwIDdrkb HEAD-Color_Varieties_-_Dark_Burelage.png Color: dark burelage
bwIDshade HEAD-Color_Varieties_-_Shades.png Color: shade
bwIDsgl HEAD-Typical_Examples.png Typical examples
bwIDimph HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Imperforate_Horizontally.png imperforate horizontally
bwIDimpv HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Imperforate_Vertically.png Imperforate_Vertically
bwIDimp HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Imperforate.png Imperforate
bwIDimps HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Imperforate_One_Side.png Imperforate One Side
bwIDps HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Perforate_One_Side.png Perforate One Side
bwIDruf HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Rough_Perforations.png Rough Perforations
bwIDpfrk HEAD-Perforation_Oddities_-_Freaks.png Perforation Freaks
bwIDqbu HEAD-All_Four_Burelage_Types.png Block of 4 with all burelage – Not Watermarked
bwIDqbw HEAD-All_Four_Burelage_Types.png Block of 4 with all burelage – Watermarked
bwIDpf HEAD-Interesting_Plate_Flaws.png Plate Flaw
bwIDsheetw HEAD-Large_Multiples.png Watermarked Full Sheet
bwIDsheetu HEAD-Large_Multiples.png Unwatermarked Full Sheet

3. Plate Flaws

3.1. My List

PFID Description position 150 position 168 checked
pf0001 Broken second "A" of "ITALIANE" 144 23 150 168
pf0002 Gash on hind leg 21 25 150 168
pf0003 Cloud of dots after "E" of "ITALIANE" 30 34 150 168
pf0004 Gash in top of "C" of "CENT" 17 19 24 27 28 30 63 65 69 70 105 122 136 145 28 31 32 34 60 75 77 81 125 146 162 164  
pf0005 Bite out of bottom of "0" of "50" 2 24 27 28 30 63 65 69 70 95 105 122 136 138 145 28 31 32 34 60 75 77 81 125 146 162 164  
pf0006 Broken tit 11 15 24 27 28 30 31? 35 51 54 56 58 63 65 69 70 71 76 78 94 97 99 100 105 111 114 119 120 122 123 126 129 136 145 13 17 28 31 32 34 41 60 61 64 66 68 71 75 77 81 82 85 88 90 92 107 112 115 117 118 125 133 136 146 150 153 156 162 167 150 168
pf0007 Right child has birth mark on outstretched arm   150  
pf0008 Spot above "N" of "ITALIANE" 30*    
pf0009 Broken base 1 36 41 44 46 48 84 57 84 89 90 101 134 150 1 5 49 52 54 56 84 100 103 105 106 119 121 160 150 168
pf0010 Large break in "O" of "POSTE"   86*  
pf0011 The "C" of "CENT" damaged at bottom 34 37 38 40 73 75 79 80 105 115 125 143 24 35 40 43 44 46 77 83 87 89 93 94 137 144 150 168
pf0012 Top of "5" of "50" broken off 34 37 38 40 73 75 79 80 105 115 125 143 24 35 40 43 44 46 83 87 89 93 94 137 144 161 150 168
pf0013 Large burelage blob above "E" of "CENT."   28  
pf0014 Blob to the right of the right child 87 103 150 168
pf0016 Blob on top frame above first "I" of "ITALIANE" 126 150 150 168
pf0017 White shade line missing from hind leg   159  
pf0018 Large break in "C" of "CENT."   UNK  
pf0019 Break in frame right of "50" 14 17 18 20 53 55 59 95 117 138 140 16 19 20 63 65 72 139  
pf0020 Blob in front of front leg 149 107 150 168
pf0033 Gash at top and bottom of "C" of "RICHTER" 1 5 41 44 46 48 84 87 89 90 101 150 1 5 49 52 54 103 105 106 119 121 160 150 168
pf0034 Large horn on "N" of "ITALIANE"   25 150 168
pf0035 Blob in burelage above "0" of "50"   83 168
pf0036 Dash under first tit 19 21 150 168
pf0037 Stroke of color in front of the base   152 150 168
pf0038 Claw hand left child 114   TBD

3.2. My Potential List

PPFID Desc SID Sheet
ppf0001 An "L" instead of "I" in "NAPOLI" bwIDsgl070 bwIDsheetu001p144 168
ppf0002 Gash on front leg bwIDsgl076  
ppf0003 Large gap in frame line at right of "50" bwIDsgl076  
ppf0004 Dot behind hind leg below tip of tail bwIDpf008  
ppf0005 Dot above back bwIDpf008  
ppf0006 Snake tail on "C" of "CENT" bwIDsheetu001p168 168
ppf0007 dot in "C" of "CENT" bwIDsheetu001p161 168
ppf0008 in FM: Dots under the "E" of "CENT." bwIDsheetu001p166 168
ppf0009 in HWW: Large horn on the "L" of "ITALIANE" bwIDsheetu001p078 168
ppf0010 The "P" in "POSTE" broken at top left bwIDsheetu001p123 168
ppf0011 Large blob on lower frame line and "O" of "NAPOLI" bwIDsheetu001p131 168
ppf0012 Spot in front of front wolf leg bwIDsgl053 168
ppf0013 Two dots behind the thigh bwIDsheetw001p019 150
ppf0014 Broken "E" of "CENT." bwIDsheetw001p117 150
ppf0015 Frame thin at bottom left bwIDsheetw001p001 150
ppf0016 Comma shaped blob between "POSTE" and "ITALIANE" bwIDsheetw001p041 150
ppf0017 Point above the "N" of "ITALIANE" bwIDsheetw001p021 150
ppf0018 Horizontal dash above right edge of frame line bwIDsheetw001p003 bwIDbh001 150
ppf0019 Long line of color above the box on the left bwIDsheetw001p134 150
ppf0020 Thick line under base (under left child) bwIDsheetw001p146 150
ppf0021 Blob below "50" bwIDsheetw001p053 150
ppf0022 Point under "E" of "CENT." bwIDsheetw001p116 150

3.3. My Example List

pf0001 bwIDp2s005 front
pf0001 bwIDsgl069  
pf0002 bwIDp2s010 front
pf0002 bwIDimph004  
pf0003 bwIDp2s010 back
pf0004 bwIDdrkw002  
pf0004 bwIDp2s010 back
pf0004 bwIDpdue001  
pf0004 bwIDpf001  
pf0004 bwIDsgl077  
pf0005 bwIDp2s010 back
pf0005 bwIDpdue001  
pf0005 bwIDpf001  
pf0005 bwIDsgl073  
pf0005 bwIDsgl077  
pf0006 bwIDdrkw002  
pf0006 bwIDp2s010 back
pf0006 bwIDpdue001  
pf0006 bwIDpf001  
pf0006 bwIDpf005  
pf0006 bwIDsgl055  
pf0006 bwIDshade004  
pf0006 bwIDsgl076  
pf0006 bwIDsgl077  
pf0006 bwIDpf006  
pf0006 bwIDpf006  
pf0007 bwIDpf001  
pf0007 bwIDpf005  
pf0007 bwIDsgl055  
pf0007 bwIDshade004  
pf0008 bwIDp2s010 front
pf0009 bwIDmisbg001  
pf0009 bwIDqbu001  
pf0009 bwIDqbu002  
pf0009 bwIDshade011  
pf0009 bwIDsgl075  
pf0009 bwIDpf006  
pf0009 bwIDpf006  
pf0009 bwIDpf007  
pf0010 bwIDpf005  
pf0011 bwIDpf001  
pf0011 bwIDsgl070  
pf0011 bwIDsgl073  
pf0012 bwIDpf001  
pf0012 bwIDsgl070  
pf0013 bwIDdrkw002  
pf0014 bwIDqbu001  
pf0014 bwIDqbu002  
pf0016 bwIDpf001  
pf0017 bwIDpf002  
pf0018 bwIDpf004  
pf0033 bwIDpf007  
pf0034 bwIDimph004  
pf0035 bwIDmisfg004  
pf0037 bwIDp2s017 back
pf0011 bwIDpfrk001 p115
pf0012 bwIDpfrk001 p115
pf0006 bwIDpfrk001 p114
pf0038 bwIDpfrk001 p114

3.4. HWW List

MJR Number Description WM / 10x15 Sheet UnWM / 12x14 Sheet Thumbnail
pf0009 1 Break in base of wolf 41 44 46 48 84 57 150 1 5 32 52 106 121 160 PFTHM-HWW01_90dpi.png
pf0019 2 Broken frame right of "50" 53 59 16 19 20 63 65 72 139 PFTHM-HWW02_90dpi.png
pf0001 3 Broken second "A" of "ITALIANE" 144 23 PFTHM-HWW03_90dpi.png
pf0011/12 4 The "5" of "50" broken & bite out of "C" of "CENT." 34 37 38 40 73 75 79 80 105 115 125 143 24 35 40 43 44 46 77 83 87 89 93 94 137 144 PFTHM-HWW04_90dpi.png
pf0004/5 5 Break "C" of "CENT." & bite out of "0" of "50" 27 28 30 65 70 122 136 28 31 32 34 60 75 77 81 125 146 162 164 PFTHM-HWW05_90dpi.png
  6 Large horn on the "L" of "ITALIANE" 66 78 PFTHM-HWW06_90dpi.png
  7 Small horn on the "L" of "ITALIANE" 16 NONE PFTHM-HWW07_90dpi.png
  8 Horn on the "C" of "CENT" UNK UNK PFTHM-HWW08_90dpi.png
  9 Horn on shaft of "T" of "POSTE" UNK 103 PFTHM-HWW09_90dpi.png
pf0010 10 Broken "O" of "POSTE" UNK UNK PFTHM-HWW10_90dpi.png

3.5. FM List

MJR Description WM / 10x15 Sheet UnWM / 12x14 Sheet
  Upper panel and 8 of 168 broken UNK 5
  Point on the bottom box line. 104 UNK
  Point on the top box line 106 UNK
  Color comma at the top left outside the box UNK UNK
  Point in the right corner outside the box UNK 68
  Point above the box line at the top UNK 127
  Point above lower box line. UNK 151
pf0028 Long line of color above the box. 134 UNK
pf0027 Line above top box 3 UNK
  Right pane line color stroke 65 UNK
pf0024 Frame thin print at bottom left 1 UNK
  Frame line broken down 117 UNK
pf0016 Big dot on frame line 126 UNK
  Broken square line on the left UNK 76
  Broken frame line at bottom right UNK 92
  Broken frame line at the top UNK 167
  Color smear Left frame line UNK 127
  Stroke of color in front of the base UNK 17
pf0037 Stroke of color in front of the base UNK 152
pf0029 Color line under the base 146 UNK
  Color line on the lower panel and Naples UNK 13
  Naples partially missing. UNK 96
  Richter Naples evanescent UNK 157
pf0014 Big point between the 2nd twin and the thigh 87 UNK
  Arm of the 1st twin evanescent UNK  
  Big point between the 2nd Twin UNK 141 155
  Hand of the evanescent 1 ° twin UNK UNK
  Spot of color on the thigh. 122 UNK
pf0014 Big stitch between the 2nd twin and the thigh UNK 103
  Point on the thigh of the she-wolf UNK 146
  Dots in front of the knee UNK 107
  Falla of color on the foreleg UNK 116
  Front paw color smear UNK 123
  Stitches under the throat UNK 159
  Evanescent rear legs UNK UNK
pf0020 Big stitch in front of the paw 149 UNK
pf0021 Two dots of color behind the thigh 19 UNK
pf0002 Strip of color on the thigh. 21 UNK
  Spot of color above the back 29 UNK
  Spot of color behind the tail. 7 UNK
  Dots under the throat of the wolf UNK UNK
  Dots under the tip of the tail. UNK UNK
  Without rear foot NONE UNK
  Strip on the thigh and stitch on the "N" UNK 25
pf0030 Point below "50" 53 NONE
pf0011/12 The "5" of "50" broken & bite out of "C" of "CENT." 34 37 38 40 73 75 79 80 115 143 24 35 40 43 44 46 77 83 87 89 93 94 137 144
  Point up square line and point before "CENT." NONE 150
  Broken "C" of "CENT." UNK 143
pf0031 Point under "E" of "CENT." 116 NONE
pf0022 Broken "E" of "CENT." 117 NONE
  Dots under the "E" of "CENT." NONE 166
  Broken "N" of "CENT." NONE UNK
  Point under the "T" of "CENT." 33 NONE
  Point between "CENT." and "." 66 NONE
  Point between "CENT." and "50". 140 NONE
pf0010 "O" of broken "POSTE" NONE 86
  Point between the "P" and "O" of "POSTE" 147 UNK
pf0025 Point between "POSTE" and "ITALIANE" 41 NONE
  Broken "I" of "ITALIANE" UNK NONE
  Point between the "I" and "T" of "ITALIANE" NONE 111
  Stroke on the "T" of "ITALIANE" 98 NONE
  "F" instead of "T" in "ITALIANE" NONE 112
  Large horn on the "L" of "ITALIANE" 66 78
  Stroke on the "L" of "ITALIANE" 76 NONE
  Second "A" of "ITALIANE" fat center NONE UNK
pf0001 Broken second "A" of "ITALIANE" 144 23
pf0026 Point above the "N" of "ITALIANE" 21 NONE
pf0003 Spot after the "E" of "ITALIANE" 30 NONE

4. Printing Element Wierdness

4.1. Known

Code Notes

4.2. Examples

nWnBiW0B bwIDp2s001
nWnBiW0B bwIDp2s013
nWnBiW0B bwIDp2s014
nWnBiW0B bwIDp2s016
dW0BIWNB bwIDp2s002
dW0BIWNB bwIDp2s012
nWnB0WnB bwIDp2s003
nWnB0WnB bwIDp2s015
nWdB0WnB bwIDp2s007
nWnBNW0B bwIDp2s004
NWNBnW0B bwIDp2s008
nWnBnW0B bwIDp2s006
nWnBnW0B bwIDp2s009
nWnBnW0B bwIDp2s010
nW0BnW0B bwIDp2s005
nW0BnW0B bwIDp2s011
dWdB0WnB bwIDp2s018
0WnB bwIDmisfg001
0WnB bwIDmisfg002
0WnB bwIDmisfg003
0WnB bwIDmisfg004
nW0B bwIDmisbg001
nW0B bwIDmisbg002
nW0B bwIDmisbg003
nW0B bwIDmisbg004
nW0B bwIDmisbg005
nW0B bwIDmisbg006
dWnB bwIDdbl003
dWnB bwIDdbl005
dWnB bwIDdbl001
dWnB bwIDdbl002
dWnB bwIDdbl004
zWnB bwIDidbl001
zWnB bwIDidbl002
zWnB bwIDidbl003
nWhB bwIDbh001

4.3. Code decoder

Part Lab Description
n Normal Normal
0 Missing Missing
i Inverted Inverted (only used for Wolf and only for stamps printed on both sides)
d Double Double impression
z Inverted Double Double impression with one inverted (only used for Wolf)
h Horizontally Horizontal (i.e. rotated 90 degrees)
N Shifted Normal Normal & badly shifted
I Shifted & Inverted Inverted & badly shifted (only used for Wolf)
D Shifted Double Double impression & badly shifted
Z Shifted & Inverted Double Double impression with one inverted & one or both badly shifted (only used for Wolf)

5. Burelage Data

5.1. 150

2 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 2 3
1 4 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 2
3 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 3 1
3 2 3 4 2 2 1 4 1 4
4 4 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 1
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2
2 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 1
3 1 3 3 2 4 1 4 1 3
3 1 2 4 1 1 3 3 4 4
1 2 3 3 4 2 4 1 2 3
3 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 4 1
3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
3 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2
4 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 4 3
4 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 4 2

5.2. 168

1 4 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 4
3 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 4
3 2 3 4 2 2 1 4 1 4 4 3
4 4 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 4
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3
2 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 4 4
3 1 3 3 2 4 1 4 1 3 2 4
3 1 2 4 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 1
1 2 3 3 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 3
3 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 4 3
3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 2
3 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 4
4 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 4 2 2 4
4 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4

5.3. 150168

2 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 2 3    
1 4 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 2 2 4
3 1 1 4 3 1 1 4 3 1 3 4
3 2 3 4 2 2 1 4 1 4 4 3
4 4 1 1 1 2 4 3 2 1 2 4
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3
2 1 1 4 2 4 4 1 1 1 4 4
3 1 3 3 2 4 1 4 1 3 2 4
3 1 2 4 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 1
1 2 3 3 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 3
3 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 4 3
3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 4 2
3 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 4
4 4 3 2 1 4 3 4 4 2 2 4
4 3 3 1 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 4

5.4. Rotated 150168

(reverse (mapcar #'reverse burl150168))
4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 3 4
4 2 2 4 4 3 4 1 2 3 4 4
4 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 3
2 4 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 3
3 4 1 4 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 3
3 4 3 2 1 4 2 4 3 3 2 1
1 1 4 4 3 3 1 1 4 2 1 3
4 2 3 1 4 1 4 2 3 3 1 3
4 4 1 1 1 4 4 2 4 1 1 2
3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
4 2 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 4 4
3 4 4 1 4 1 2 2 4 3 2 3
4 3 1 3 4 1 1 3 4 1 1 3
4 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 4 4 1
    3 2 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 2